We are very excited to announce the release of our new Record Mode feature. Users of the Roadie Tuner have long been asking for a way to record and save the specific tunings they are in.
Well, now that is possible!
Update your app for iOS or Android and get access to Record Mode right away.
Who Needs Record Mode?
Do you like the sound of the specific tuning you’re in and wish you could save it for future use?
Have you sweetened your strings’ tuning and want to capture this new tuning?
Do your guitar strings repeatedly need a slight tweak by ear to sound perfect, despite tuning?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then you will find Record Mode extremely useful.
How it Works
Record Mode is accessible through the Roadie Tuner app. It uses your smartphone’s highly sensitive microphone to record the specific hertz value of your instrument’s strings. All you have to do is hit the record button on the Roadie Tuner app and let the app detect the exact frequency of each of your strings, save it and sync it to your Roadie Tuner device so you can get back to it any time. As simple as that.
Here’s a little demo:
Update your App
To get access to this new feature, make sure to update your Roadie Tuner app now. The update is available for both iOS and Android.
Stay tuned for more feature updates!
Got any ideas for features you’d like us to add? Leave us a comment below.