cigar box tuning

Below are 5 common tunings for the 3-string Cigar Box Guitar. If you would like to suggest others, let us know in the comments section below.

Common Tunings for The 3-string Cigar Box Guitar

1- Standard: E3 B3 E4

2- Open B: F3# B3 D4#

3- Guitar tuning: G3 B3 E4 (bottom three strings of standard guitar)

4- Open G: G3 B3 D4 or some prefer G3 D4 G4 (power chord)

5- Fifths: E3 B3 F4# (intervals between strings are perfect 5ths)

To add these custom tunings on your Roadie Tuner, follow the steps:

1- If you haven’t already done so, create a custom instrument for your Cigar Box Guitar.

2- In your Roadie Tuner app go to Tunings -> Cigarbox guitar -> 3 strings -> Create New Tuning.

3- Add the strings as noted above. For instance, pitches F3# B3 D4# compose Open B.

4- Hit Save, give your tuning a name.

5- Hit Sync and the new tuning will be saved on your Roadie ready to be used anytime.


To conclude, Hat tip for Puckett Cigar Box Guitar for sharing those wonderful tunings with us along with the most common chords in each. Follow this link check out Del’s video.

Be The First To Know

Something great is coming! We, at Band Industries, are launching our next-generation automatic guitar tuner ROADIE 3 on Kickstarter very soon. Sign up here to get notified of the launch and gain access to an exclusive first buyer’s price. We’ve gotten smarter and are using all that we’ve learned to blow your mind again with the new and improved Roadie 3. This tuner solves all your tuning needs, and you’ll definitely want to know when it’s out!