In the history of popular music, few bands have had the cultural impact of The Beatles. In the eight short years that they recorded, The Beatles changed the way the world thought about pop. They paved the way for countless artists and left a catalog of songs that have stood the test of time and are still performed by beginner guitarists across the world to this day.
The Beatles are such cultural icons, in fact, that they have their own globally recognized day to celebrate their music and their enduring legacy.
Global Beatles Day – which falls on July 25th – was launched in 2009 as a global holiday to celebrate the band and their achievements.
Today, we’re going to find out about how Global Beatles Day came to be, and what you can do to remember the Fab Four and their music.
What Global Beatles Day Is For:
If you want to know why Global Beatles Day exists in the first place, this statement from the Global Beatles Day website sums things up pretty nicely:
“GBD (founded 2009) is a day honoring and celebrating the phenomenon and ideals of the Beatles, collectively and individually, for their gifts to the world including, but not limited to, their promotion of peace and love, of truth and youth, and of the expansion of human consciousness. More specifically, GBD commemorates the Beatles music – their promotion and expansion of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, world music… and especially their collective and personal exploration of a myriad of musical ideas and innovations.
The Beatles paved the way for global changes in personal expression, fashion, imagination, sex, and art. They had as much or more impact on global society than anyone of their time.”
Why June 25th?
If you’re a devotee to the music of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison, and Starr, then the date June 25th might mean something to you. But, for those who aren’t already Fab Four obsessives, here’s an explanation.
The Beatles unveiled “All You Need is Love” to the world – quite literally – on June 25, 1967.
The band performed the song as the central segment of the BBC television program “Our World.” The first global transmission broadcast ever, it was a landmark achievement that also introduced the world to one of the group’s most enduring songs.
How You Can Get Involved:
The GBD website offers the following guidelines for celebrating Global Beatles Day:
“Observances might be small or large: gathering at homes, songfests in parks, lunchtime concerts, hip oldsters talking to youngsters in the schools about the Beatles phenomenon … all with the knowledge that each celebration is part of a worldwide experience. On GBD, the Beatles music and legacy should bring people together across the globe.”
Here at Roadie, we’ll be celebrating the Fab Four the best way we know how; by picking up our instruments and playing their music. And, with such an amazing back catalog of songs to choose from, we’d encourage all you guitarists, bassists, mandolin, uke and banjo players out there to do the same!
How will you be celebrating Global Beatles Day? Share your stories in the comments.