Top 10 Guitar Tuning Apps
The mark of a novice guitar player is an out of tune guitar. Nothing screams amateur hour like the sound of a cat being strangled coming outContinue reading
The mark of a novice guitar player is an out of tune guitar. Nothing screams amateur hour like the sound of a cat being strangled coming outContinue reading
You know the feeling. You’re in the middle of your world domination tour, and your tour bus breaks down. You immediately look for aContinue reading
If you’re serious about learning to play guitar or being in a band, you’ll eventually find yourself in a recording situation. It might beContinue reading
Do you even need an amp? If you’re a home studio producer like me, then buying an electric guitar amp might not even be necessary. Just plugContinue reading
If you want to learn to play blues guitar, you need three things. Those things are patience, a decent guitar and a reliable tuner Continue reading
It’s been almost 18 months since the world lost Chris Cornell. The Soundgarden, Audioslave, and Temple of the Dog frontman’s untimely death Continue reading
So you’ve mastered your ‘Wonderwall’ and ‘Hotel California’ and are feeling confident enough to step out of your room andContinue reading
Today we’re going to listen to some John Fahey — old, but gold. It’s also a great opportunity to check out the Open C alternate tuning. Continue reading
Guitar playing is supposed to be fun. At its best, it’s a never-ending journey of musical self-discovery and new found inspiration.Continue reading
If you’re human, you’re not perfect. But that’s okay. Robots are, and they work for us — at least for the time being. When you lay down recording of your otherwise excellent guitar playing,Continue reading